Laser stripping, or material removal, is a technique that allows to selectively remove superficial layers of a material using a laser beam. This technique has many advantages over traditional stripping methods, such as sandblasting, brushing or chemical treatment. It is used in various fields, such as heritage restoration, industrial cleaning, surface preparation or decontamination.
The principle of laser stripping
The principle of laser stripping is based on the absorption of the energy of the laser beam by the layer to be removed. This energy causes a temperature rise that leads to the vaporization or sublimation of the material. Laser stripping can be performed with different types of lasers, depending on the nature of the material to be treated and the thickness of the layer to be removed. The most commonly used lasers are pulsed lasers, which emit short pulses (of the order of nanoseconds to microseconds) and high power (of the order of kilowatts to megawatts). These lasers allow to obtain an efficient and controlled ablation, without damaging the substrate.

The advantages of laser stripping
Laser stripping has several advantages over other stripping techniques: I
t is selective: it allows to remove only the desired layer, without altering the substrate or the adjacent layers. It is therefore suitable for sensitive or fragile materials, such as stones, metals or composites.
It is precise: it allows to obtain a high surface quality, without residues or traces. It is therefore suitable for applications that require high finesse, such as cleaning printed circuits or optical parts.
It is ecological: it does not generate solid waste or liquid or gaseous emissions. It therefore reduces the environmental impact and the costs of waste treatment.
It is safe: it does not present risks of fire or explosion. It does not require the use of dangerous chemicals or abrasive materials. It therefore reduces the risks for health and safety of operators.
The applications of laser stripping
Laser stripping is an innovative technique that offers efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to remove superficial layers. Here are some examples of applications:
Heritage restoration: laser stripping allows to clean facades, sculptures or wall paintings without altering their original appearance. It also allows to remove traces of pollution, graffiti or mold.
Industrial cleaning: laser stripping allows to degrease, decarbonize or derust metal parts without using solvents or acids. It also allows to remove unwanted coatings, such as paints, varnishes or adhesives.
Surface preparation: laser stripping allows to create microstructures on the surface of materials to improve their functional properties, such as adhesion, wear resistance or electrical conductivity.
Decontamination: laser stripping allows to eliminate radioactive or biological contaminants present on the surface of materials without generating secondary residues. It also prevents the dispersion of dangerous particles in the air.